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listing placed 11 July 2024 United Kingdom

Thruster Flyout - Turweston - Sat 3 Aug 24

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I have organised an informal Thruster fly-out to Turweston Airfield on Saturday 3 August 2024.

All Thruster aircraft welcome!
So far, I have 10 Thrusters of various models signed up to attend. However, there are no TSTs, so if you have one please bring it along, we would love to have you.

The plan is to arrive between 1100-1300 on the day. I have booked a table in the café for those attending. There will be a pre-order menu sent out to participants prior to the event to save queuing and waiting times.

If you wish to join us, please email me at the email below (without the spaces) and send me the following details.

Aircraft Type/Model
Number of Person on board
Airfield of Departure

Look forward to seeing you there.

Si Wilson

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