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listing placed 09 September 2024 United Kingdom

Skyranger Classic 912S exlam

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912 ULS (100hp £26,000

Skyranger Classic 2005. Rotax 912 ULS (100hp)
1174 hours, Xlam Skins, 472kgs mauw

The aircraft is in excellent condition, flies really well and safe.
Very well cared for by current and former owners, paperwork to show. Many new parts; ignitech ignition modules modification, new engine mounts, oil lines, coolant lines, new fuel pump, new carbs, new battery and new brake pads.

The original Skyranger Classic is an easy aircraft to fly and yet a great teacher of the skill of balance through the co-ordinated use of rudder and stick. A pilot who masters this skill and practices it in the skyranger will be a safe and confident flyer. In co-ordinated balanced flying this skyranger will sip 10 litres of mogas an hour. The 100 hp Rotax is smooth and reliable. It gives a great sense of confidence in the power to get out of even the shortest of strips.

The current owner is moving to Group A aircraft to develop and enhance his flying experience. As a result the skyranger has to move on to someone who will benefit from it and fly it with enjoyment.

Permitted until 27th August 2025


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