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listing placed 12 September 2024 Poland

Hangar clear-out and panel upgrade

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Savannah S 2014

Here listed a selection of instruments:
1pc Silent Hektic coolant thermostat 80C £60
1pc BK240 ASI 0-240kph (removed from Savannah) £100
1pc VDO/ICP Tachometer, Rotax 912 (32.2 recorded hours) £180
1pc Ray Allen RS2 Trim switch £10
1pc 4way servo relay deck £75
1pc VDO CHT gauge £10
1pc VDO oil pressure gauge £10
2pc VDO 12v 3 to 180 ohm fuel tank gauges (new) £20ea
1pc VDO ditto with slight damage to bezel £10
1pc Westach OAT gauge and sender with wiring. £25

In the Winter I will be upgrading my panel. When I do, the following will also be available which can be seen in photo:
1pc Large Attitude indicator, 12v (Make unknown) £offers
1pc Icom IC A210E 8.33kHz Radio around £500
1pc Garmin GTX 327 Mode A/C Transponder around £400

Here is a picture of the removed Savannah panel with all instruments for sale. Price for the panel complete with instruments £1000

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