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listing placed 03 February 2008 United Kingdom
Cessna C150M on farm strip in South Lincolnshire
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C150M ?5,000
This is the Cessna 150 that looks like the 152, has the performance of the 152 but the flaps of the best of the breed.
With an EASA none expiring C of A (Sept 07) and maintained to the highest standard - no expence spared - good paint - original interior with Continental 0-200A only just gone on condition this is a great first group share/low cost hour builder. Private Strip at which WG is always at the front of the hanger. 1/4 Share is because I am moving to France and the group want to keep flying the plane. ?65 month - ?36 hour wet. Have cost breakdowns and many photos. Gary
Contact Details 01673 878384
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